Understanding your needs
All new clients will be given a free 15 minute consultation during their first appointment. This will include the taking of a detailed case history and may include postural and joint assessments. It is useful to bring along to the appointment any previous medical reports or diagnoses relating to the need for treatment where applicable.
The treatment takes place in a dedicated downstairs therapy room. Following the initial consultation a range of massage and more advanced techniques will be used to bring about a beneficial change to the client's physical well being. The aim is always for the therapist and client to work together to create this change and to aid the body to heal itself.
Creating a change to the client's physical well being may produce some discomfort following the treatment and clients are advised to rehydrate themselves well and reduce physically stressful activities immediately after.
Stretches and exercises may be recommended for the client to perform at home to maintain the beneficial change and aid the bodies recovery.